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1- Suitability: The Bait AlGhasham DarArab International Translation Prize is open to those who are over 18 years of age and comply with the eligibility requirements.

2- Entry: Entries must be original and unpublished as per the eligibility requirements. The work must be in one of the following genres: novel, short-story collection, or poetry collection.

3- Submission: Entries must be submitted electronically in an electronic format and must include the following (PDF format preferred):

– A PDF of the translated text as mentioned in the submission requirements.
– A PDF copy of the original work.
– A short biography of the author.
– A short biography of the translator/s.
– A signed copyright declaration from the original work’s copyright owner, either the author or the publisher.
– A signed copyright declaration from the translator/s.

4- Judging: A panel of judges will review all entries and select the nominated works based on the literary merit of the original work, the quality of the translation, and the translator’s ability to convey the author’s style and message. The judges’ decisions are final.

5- Publication: The winning books will be published in print, digital format, and/or audio format by DarArab for Publishing and Translation.

6- Copyright: The copyright holder of the winning books must agree to grant DarArab for Publishing and Translation the full and exclusive rights to publish the translation.

7- Promotion: The winners agree to participate in publicity and promotion related to the prize and the publication of their winning work or translation. Participants may be asked to engage in various activities such as providing reviews and testimonials, joining public online events, taking part in interviews and podcasts, and sharing information about the prize on their social media accounts.

8- Failure to meet the criteria: Entries that do not meet the eligibility criteria or fail to comply with the submission guidelines will be excluded.

9- Acceptance of Terms: By submitting an entry, the submitter agrees to abide by these terms and conditions.

10- Amendments: The Bait AlGhasham DarArab International Translation Prize reserves the right to amend these terms and conditions at any time and without prior notice.

1. The literary work, must be originally written in Arabic and consist of one of the following genres: novel, and collections of short stories or poetry, the first edition of which has been published after, or during, the year 1970 and not previously published in English.

2. Submissions must be either completed translations or translations-in-progress.

3. The translation must be based on an original work published as a printed book with an ISBN. Translations based on anthologies or selections compiled by the translator will not be accepted.

4. Submissions must not have been submitted to any other prizes prior to the date of submission of this prize and until the announcement of its winners.

5. There are no nationality or citizenship requirements for author or translator; however, the works must be composed in Arabic and translated into English.

6. Submissions of literary criticism, and scholarly or technical texts, or any other literary forms not stated above, are not eligible for consideration.

7. Submitted works may have up to two translators. Works with more than two translators are not eligible.

8. Each translator is limited to submitting one work per each round of the prize.

9. A translator who has not won the prize in a previous edition may reapply in future editions but may not submit the same work previously entered.

10. Winning translators / Authors are not eligible to apply for a period of three years following the year in which they receive the prize.

The application will require the following:
1. A fully completed online application form with all required items filled in and all required documents attached.

2. Applications must be submitted by the translator.

3. The translator must submit a sample translation of at least 10% of the total number of words from the original text along with the application. For poetry, include 1-2 poems per page, within an 8- to 10-page limit. If the length of a single poem is more than 10 pages, then the full poem should be translated. Completed translations are also accepted.

4. A single-spaced statement (no longer than two pages), which outlines the work and describes its significance.

5. A bio of the author (maximum of two pages), which includes details of any translations of their work.

6. A bio of the translator, limited to a maximum of two pages.

7. The submitted translation should not have been fully or partially published in any format, in print or online, and must not be under contract.

8. A signed declaration from the copyright’s holder.
Please download the declaration below.

9. A signed declaration from the translator/s.
Please download the declaration below.

10. A copy of the original work.

11. The translator agrees to complete the translation in full within a maximum of 10 months of the dates of the winning titles announcement.

1- Original Work

2- Translation

3- Documents to be uploaded

4- Declaration (Boxes to be ticked)